Friday, February 19, 2010

Would A God of Love Create A Place of Misery?

In the world today, there are many who question God. Why does God do this? Why does God allow that to happen? Why has God done this to me? This is nothing new. People have been questioning God for forever. Once Job suffered his hardships, he was quick to question God. One topic that many people want to question God about is Hell. Is it real? Would God really send someone there? Do good people go to Hell? If yes, then why? Does Hell, a place of eternal torment, make God any less great? This was a topic that really tested my faith not too long ago. It's a question that demands answers. Once one really decides to study his bible, he or she will realize that the answers aren't too hard to find.
Is Hell a real place? The answer is yes. The bible mentions Hell several times. In Matthew 13:42 we read that Hell is a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Hell is just as real as Heaven. Why would God prepare such a place like that for us? He didn't. God never intended for any of us to go to Hell. The bible tells us that Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41). Why do people go to Hell? That's easy. People go to Hell because they refuse to go to Heaven. God couldn't make it any easier. He sent his son to die for us, so that we could live with him in Heaven, and many in the world today still refuse to do what's right. Is this God's fault? Certainly not. Is God sending them to Hell? No. They are sending themselves. It is God's intention for each and every one of us to live with him for eternity, but if they want to follow the devil, then God will let them do so.
Well, what about good people who haven't been saved? Do they go to Hell? I want to make this point very clear, I am not in the business of trying to send anyone to Hell. I am not judging anyone. I am only stating what the bible says. That being said, if someone has not done what the Lord has told them to do to go to Heaven, that person is not going to go to Heaven. I know this, because I know that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). That's a tough concept to understand. But it's the truth.
So, if someone lives a good life, follows the golden rule, but hasn't followed God completely, they have to go to Hell? Why is that so? How can God be so good, if this is the case? Let me explain it like this: I want to tell you about a guy named Jim. Jim is a senior in high school. He makes good grades, performs well in sports, and is just an all around great guy. Jim is the first one to help out a friend in need. Everybody loves Jim. One night, Jim is at a party, and he decides to have a few drinks. He feels fine, and he decides to drive home. Jim is stopped by the police and is arrested for driving under the influence. Now Jim is a great guy, but he has made a huge mistake. He is scheduled for court the following week. Jim shows up at court and walks up to see the judge, who happens to be his father, to find out his punishment. His father tells him that he has to pay a fine of one thousand dollars or serve up to six months in jail. Jim is very upset. He says to his father, "Dad, you know I don't have that kind of money." His father says, "I know son", and he then pulls one thousand dollars out of his pocket. Instead of accepting the money, Jim turns his back on his father and starts to walk out of the courtroom. What should happen to Jim? Should he have to serve his six month jail sentence, since he couldn't pay his fine alone, and refused to accept his father's gift? Of course he should. He may be a great guy. He may be loved by everyone. But he made a mistake, and justice has to be served. His father even offered to pay his debt, so that he could be set free, but he refused. The last thing his father wanted was to see is his son in jail, but what else could he do? Nothing. I know this is just a silly made up story, but I think you get the point.
Just like the father in this story didn't want to see his son in jail, our heavenly father doesn't want to see us in Hell. He has done everything in his power, without imposing on human free will, to make sure that we don't go to Hell. So, does Hell, a place of eternal torment, make God any less great? Absolutely not.
-Colton Scott

"There's good deeds and then there's good intentions, and they're as far apart as Heaven and Hell."- Ben Harper

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