Monday, March 22, 2010

Faith: For Christians and Atheists Alike

Atheists are very quick to point out that Christians use faith. This is true. Romans 11:6 says that it is impossible to please God without faith. Many atheists claim that this is why they are not Christians. They claim that having faith is not logical. Mark Twain once said, "Faith is believing something you know ain't true." Another quote says, "The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." I recently came across an atheistic article by Jerry Wilson who says, "Faith is the act of treating something as factual when it is not backed up by any facts or empirical evidence." He goes on to say, "believing in something without evidence is childlike" and "Having faith isn't something to be proud of. It means you have left reason behind. It means that believing in something because you want it to be true is more important than believing in the truth." Well, isn't that just fantastic. Christians are stupid because we have faith, and having faith is "childlike". We might as well have faith in Santa Clause and the Easter bunny. I wish we were all smart and sophisticated like the atheistic community. They would never be so silly as to have faith in something. Or would they?

Let's take a look at how sophisticated atheists believe we came into being... A long time ago, there was nothing. Then nothing became something. Then something exploded. Then something became the entire universe. Then the entire universe was made perfect so that it could one day support life on this tiny planet called Earth in the Milky Way galaxy (by complete chance). Then on this tiny planet called earth there was a bunch of rocks. Then rain started falling on all these rocks and it formed a warm chemical soup. Then one day lightening struck this chemical soup and it formed life (we think). Then one day this tiny particle of life started evolving. Now after about 4.5 billion years, this one tiny particle of life is responsible for every single species on the planet. This process is called evolution. This can also explain consciousness, human rationality and morality. Oh, but it can't explain free will, so that must not exist. And they know all of this without using one bit of faith. Therefore, they must have "empirical evidence" to support this entire theory. Do they? Not even close.

Let's start from the very beginning. We have known for many years now that the Universe is not eternal. It did have a beginning. Scientists such as Alan Guth, who is an expert on the Big Bang, will tell you that at one point our universe was "literally nothing." This begs the question, how did nothing become something? Where is the "empirical evidence" for that? Have you ever, in your entire life, witnessed something spontaneously form from nothing? I think it's pretty safe to say that you have not. And you never will, because it does not happen. Atheists, on the other hand, believe that once upon a time it did happen. Why? Well, considering they have no evidence to back that up, I guess they just have faith. I think Frank Turek said it best when he stated, "Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could. If you can't believe that something came from nothing, you don't have enough faith to be an atheist."

Next up, is design. How do atheists explain the fact that the entire universe seems to be constructed to support life on earth? I mean, the chance of our universe supporting life is very small. Some physicists claim that the chances are one in ten raised to the 229. This is logically impossible. But atheists claim that, against all odds, it must have happened by chance. How is that even possible? Well, there are a few theories out there to explain the design that appears in the universe. One of those theories is the "Multiple Universe theory". This theory claims that there are an infinite number of universes. Basically, if the chances of a universe supporting life is 10 raised to the 229, then there must be 10 raised to the 229 universes. This theory is accepted by many big time atheists, including Steven Weinburg and Richard Dawkins. So what is the evidence to support this "Multiple Universe theory"? There is none. Weinburg admits, "These are very speculative ideas... without any experimental support." What was it called again, when one believed something without any "empirical evidence"? Oh yeah, faith.

Last but not least, the origin of life. The Law of Biogenesis states that life cannot form from non-life. But to be an atheist, one must believe that life formed from non-life, without any help from something supernatural. So, how did that happen? Well, they don't know. They never have, and they never will. Not only did life form on it's own, but it is also very complex. Richard Dawkins realizes this as he states that the simplest living cell contains more information than multiple sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica. So how does Dawkins, one of the world's most praised atheists, explain how life began? He says, "However improbable the origin of life may be, it must have happened, because we are here." Wow. It takes a lot of faith to believe things like this.

I hope that by now, you have seen my point. I didn't have to mention consciousness or morality, which an atheist can also not explain, because you can already see that they use faith every day. So the next time you hear an atheist harp about how Christians only want to talk about faith, just laugh and bring up some of these points. It should be very interesting to hear how they respond.

- Colton

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